My name is Bhargav Bandaru. I’m from Singannnadorapalem . It is approximately 40km from Visakhapatnam. My father’s name is Srinivasa Rao and he works on monthly wages as a laborer. My mother is a homemaker and her name is Venkata Lakshmi. Now I’m working with “Vishwa Samudra Kannur Express way Pvt Ltd” with a package of 2.4lakhs per annum, I’m happy now. I Came to know about Nirmaan Organization from my brother. Nirmaan Organization helped me to improve my skills which are required for excelling in a job.

Success Story From Bhargav Bandaru
- Abacus Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Ashok Soni has Visited ADP-YEP NIRMAAN Center
- Bhumi Foundation Bicycles Distribution At Government School