Last updated on 09 Mar, 2025 08:01 pm (IST)
To achieve this goal, we need your support. Donate using the link below
Can you imagine the immense strength it takes to confront barriers and discrimination every single day?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1.3 billion people worldwide, or about 1 in 6 of us, face significant daily challenges due to disabilities.
Our Vision :
To create a more inclusive and equitable society, where persons with disabilities are valued, empowered, and fully integrated into all aspects of life.
Our Programs :
Training in computer skills
MS Office, Typing master, HTML, and Java
Mobility Assistance Solutions
Provide Manual/Electric wheelchairs, Smart canes etc
Impact Hiring
Organize Job Drives, based on their abilities placing them in companies effectively
Mental Healthcare
We assist PWDs needing counseling support
Career Guidance
For career related opportunities, call Toll-Free at 1800-425-2425
We cater to six distinct types of disabilities: Orthopedic, hearing impairment,
intellectual disability, low vision, mental challenges, and visual impairment.
Impact Highlights :
In 2022-2023, we started our journey in August and here is our progress.
We are committed to extending our support to Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in underserved regions, particularly areas with limited awareness and services.
In this financial year 2023-2024, we aim to reach out to 2500 PWDs. With your generous donation, we strive to broaden the scope of our programs to encompass various types of disabilities, ensuring we empower a more diverse group of individuals. Your support enables us to break down barriers and create opportunities for a wider range of PWDs.
In Breaking Barriers and Uplifting PWDs.
Together, We Can End Stereotypes!